Thursday, March 19, 2009

ABD Soundtrack CDs now available!

The At Best Derivative soundtrack CD is back from the factory! It includes 36 tracks and almost an hour of music. Mark Nokes plays lead guitar, Eliot Ventimiglia plays saxophone, and I do all the rest with a computer and some magic beans. There's retro-rock, chill-out jazz, tango, orchestral, surf-spy, kung-fu-style asian battle music, a let's-get-it-on funk tune, even a track with me singing in three parts like the Eagles, if the Eagles all had an identical slight lisp. Excerpts are in the gray flash player on the left.

Soundtrack CDs, DVDs of the movie, and other ABD-related paraphernalia will be on sale here sooner or later, but for now, you can send me $10 through PayPal by clicking the button on the right, or email me for my postal address and then mail me a check for $10. Either way I'll send your CD via Pony Express.


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