Friday, September 28, 2007

First song on Productiontrax

So the other website we run at work is Productiontrax, which is a royalty-free media library. Hundreds of contributors sell the rights to their music and other media through Productiontrax, and thousands of people who need stock media (indie filmmakers, video game designers, website designers, etc.) come there to buy the rights to music, photography, sound effects, and video. It's all sold royalty-free, at whatever price the contributors set.

Anyway, I'm excited that I finally stayed after work and scored a cue of my own to put up there. It's just a short, gentle thing for strings. I had just seen Peter Jackson's first Lord of the Rings movie, and was seeing in my head the overhead establishing shot of the hobbit village. I should go back and see what Howard Shore did there- probably something a little more lively.

Pastoral Village

There are tons more of these written down in my file cabinet at home, and hopefully sometime I'll stay at work late and do some more.


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